SBHS Archived Past Events
Archived Events

Past Activities: - On September 11, 2014 we held a seminar on "50th Anniversary of the Cape May-Lewes Ferry". The presenter was Mike DiPaolo, Executive Director of the Lewes Historical Society. The event took place at the South Coastal Library in Bethany Beach, and was well received by the 65 attendees.
- In August 2014 Maria Johansen was interviewed about "Preserving our Town's History" by Coast Point news "The Local Voice of YOUR Community".
- On May 25, 2014 the SBHS sponsored the “May Felerski Dedication” to have the meeting room in Town Hall to be dedicated to May Felerski for her contributions to the Town. A dedication ceremony attended by over 80 was held on May 25 at the Town Meeting Room.
- On February 28, 2014 the SBHS conducted a wrap up presentation of the “Super Storm Sandy Collection” was conducted at Town Hall to a packed crowd on Friday evening February 28. Attendees were encouraged to bring food and beverages and enjoy the show, and they sure did and everyone seemed to have lots of fun. Presentations were conducted by Martha Fields, George Junkin, Kathy Jankwoski, Dick Oliver, Tony Caputo and Lora Caputo. The event was covered by Lindsay Tuchman of WBOC 16 TV, and it was aired on WBOC's Friday night 11:00 local news highlight. The television story ran for several minutes and featured interviews of presenters and pi - On September 12, 2013, SBHS conducted a seminar on the “Building of the Canals in South Bethany”. SBHS's own Dr. George Junkin gave a presentation to a packed crowd of 110 attendees on the creation, building, maintenance and stories of the South Bethany canals.
- In August 2013 SBHS completed a “Collection of Information on Super Storm Sandy”, October 2012, while the facts and personal interest stories were still fresh in our minds. SBHS's Dr. Martha Fields, a founding member of SBHS, stepped up and took on the task of putting the collection together. The collection is an impressive assembly of newspaper articles, photographs, personal interest stories of property owners, Town Maintenance Department records, weather briefings, emails from Town Hall, tide measurements and more. The collection, including photos, as of August 2013 can be viewed at the following link: Super Storm Sandy Stories
- In May and June 2013 the Towns of Fenwick Island, South Bethany, Bethany Beach, Ocean View and Millville were selected to host and contribute to a Smithsonian exhibition to be displayed in our area. The exhibit we hosted was entitled "The Way We Worked".
- On June 8, 2012, we conducted a seminar to over 135 attendees on the 1962 "Storm of the Century" at the South Coastal Library in Bethany.
- On March 7, 2012, we participated in a DNREC Workshop held in the Rehoboth Convention Center on the "Storm of '62" with a Table Display and presentation of other materials.
- In the spring of 2012 the Coastal Point published an article entitled “South Bethany Historical Society Piecing Together Town’s Past" for the Coastal Point news "The Local Voice of YOUR Community".