June 1 2013 Meeting Minutes

Minutes of  SBPOA 6.1.13 Membership Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 5:05PM by Sandi Roberts, filling in for Linda Lewis.  Approximately 240 members and their guests were present for the annual bull roast. 
Secretary’s Report: Sandi Roberts summarized the minutes of the 4.6.13 membership meeting and the 5.4.13 emergency membership meeting.  There were no additions or corrections and the minutes were approved as read.
Treasurer’s Report:  To date, we have 559 paid members.  Linda asked those in attendance to remind their neighbors to pay their SBPOA dues if they wish to be included in the Neighborhood Watch program in the fall.  Membership forms should be submitted as soon as possible to insure that Diana Cowell, who is in charge of Neighborhood Watch, orders enough window signs.
New Business:
  • Sandi announced the nominating committee’s recommendations for officers:
  • President (2-year term) – James Saftich
  • Vice President (1-year term) – Chuck Seliga
  • Vice Presidnet (2-year term) – Diana Cowell
  • Treasurer (2-year term) – Linda Paul
            and asked for other nominations from the floor; there were none.  A motion was           made, seconded and voted on to approve the new officers; the motion passed.
  • Sue Callaway spoke briefly about the Adopt-a-Canal end program.
  • Maria Johanson spoke briefly about the SB Historical Society.
  • Dan Cowell presented the Bethany Beach Volunteer Fire Company with a donation of $500 from the SBPOA.
  • Sandi thanked:
  • Pat Voveris and all of the volunteers who organized the bull roast;
  • Linda Paul for handling all the membership forms and bull roast requests;
  • Jim Rupp and his band for volunteering their time.
Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned at 5:35PM so everyone could enjoy the bull roast and music.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandi Roberts