February 11 2012 Meeting Minutes

Minutes of SBPOA 2.11.12 Membership Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 10:0AM by Linda Lewis with the pledge to the flag.Officers Linda Lewis, Linda Paul, Kathy Jankowski, Sandi Roberts, Chris Keefe, and Dan Cowell as well as 12 other SBPOA members were in attendance.

Secretary’s Report:Sandi Roberts read the minutes from the 10.31.11 membership meeting.There were no additions or corrections and they were approved as read.

Linda Lewis explained that she is willing to fill the vacancy made by John Eckenrode’s resignation and continue until June 2013,and that Chris Keefe is willing to fill in as 1st Vice President until June 2012.A motion was made and seconded to approve Linda and Chris to continue in these positions; the motion carried unanimously.

Officer’s Reports:

Treasurer’s Report:Linda Paul reported a current checking account balance of $ 22,411.10.

Neighborhood Watch:Dan Cowell stated that there have been no reports from walkers about problems this winter, probably due to the mild weather.Kathy Jankowski reported that, at last night’s town council meeting, the police report included the theft of several air conditioning/heat pump units on the ocean side, and said that walkers need to be aware of this.Dan also stated that the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner will be held on Saturday, May 12th.Carol Stevenson congratulated Dan on the lovely Appreciation luncheon in December.

Newsletter: Chris Keefe announced that the next newsletter will be published at the end of March and asked that people get submissions to her if they want something included.

Old/Unfinished Business:

Bull roast:Carol Stevenson announced that Charlie K’s will again provide the food at the bull roast, and last year’s band has agreed to play again.Carol passed around a sign-up sheet for volunteers to assist with set-up before the event and clean-up after.Todd Stevenson requested to be contacted by any group (ie. Beautification Committee, Historical Society) that would like a table set up at the bull roast for display purposes.

Fiscal year/tax year alignment:Linda Lewis explained that it would make sense to align the SBPOA fiscal year (currently June 1st – May 31st) with the tax year (January 1st– December 31st), and outlined the bylaws changes that would be necessary.The membership year will continue to run from June 1st to May 31st and the election of new officers will continue to occur at the bull roast.The proposed bylaws changes would reduce the number of membership meetings from four to three (April/May, June, and September/October), eliminating the February meeting.The topics for discussion at the membership meetings would be as follows:

April/May meeting:
President’s report
Formation of nominating committee
Introduction of Town Council candidates
June meeting (same day as bull roast):
Report from nominating committee
Election/installation of new officers
September/October meeting:
Neighborhood Watch kick-off
Establish dues for the following year
Adoption of annual operating budget
A motion was made and seconded to approve the proposed bylaws changes; the motion carried unanimously.

New Business:

Budget and dues for 2012: Linda Paul presented the highlights of the budget:

Dues to remain at $20
Checking balance at end of 2011 - $16,896
Projected 2012 income - $17,900
Projected 2012 expenses - $23,415
Projected deficit - $5515
Projected checking balance at the end of 2012 - $16,896
Proposed donations:
$500 to the SB Water Quality Committee
$500 to the SB Beautification Committee
$500 to the BB Fire Department
During the discussion of the budget, the following motions were made, seconded, discussed, and voted on:

to run a larger deficit and increase the Water Quality Committee donation to $1000, increase the Beautification Committee donation to $1000 and donate $500 to the Center for Inland Bays (CIB).The motion was defeated.
to eliminate the Volunteer Appreciation luncheon and disperse the $1500 budgeted for that event to other areas.The motion was defeated.
to increase dues to $22. The motion was defeated.
to add a line item to the budget for the SB Historical Society with $0 budgeted for now.The motion carried.
to approve the recommended $20 for dues and the proposed budget with the addition of a line item for the SB Historical Society.The motion carried.
A motion was also made to run at a zero deficit on the 2012 budget; there was no second for the motion.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:15AM.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandi Roberts